Hatch-Along - Started eggs -2/22/2013...anybody else?


7 Years
Feb 28, 2012
New Jersey
I just put in eggs in my incubator I got from the farm today. All of them are brown so I'm not sure what kind of chicken i'm getting (either RIR or Leghorn).

I got 2 dz in which i marked 12 with 1-12 and the other 12 with A-J.
I put them in at 2pm and the incubator is heating up again and the humidity is 35%

March 4th is Day 10. I thinking i'm going to candle them then but I might candle day 7 not sure...

One of the eggs is kind of small.
Does size of the egg matter?
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I put 18 eggs in of multiple color from mail order on the 23rd. It's my first hatch! Good luck!
awesome. :) I got only 7 days till lock day. I had 15 but one died. The rest of the eggs look like the embryo's are partying in their own shells while the other 1 is not moving at all. I presume it is dead. :(

I hope everyone is getting excited for lock down. I am....
if it is not moving but there's veins you are okay, and they can get quiet around 19th day so if they are lively or quiet, don't panic til atleast day22-23
soon they will all get dark. If you know they are in their don't assume the eggs a goner if their is no movement. I had a girl friend who thought her eggs were not going to hatch and tossed them in the compost and then they started to peep.
Hi, I started some eggs on the 22nd Feb also. I put them under my broody hen. I set them at 4pm UK time.
So I bought 6 Light Sussex eggs on ebay and so far they are doing well. I candled on day 11 and everything seemed to be going well!


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