Hatching a cracked egg

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
I do not advocate hatching eggs with cracks. If I am setting, I candle, and if I see a crack I do not set. I have noticed that most eggs with a crack will not make it if the crack is there before day 10. After day ten (if dropped for example) the egg has a better chance. Also sometimes if there is a crack but the egg is shipped I may try and hatch.

I did hatch our a duck egg that got cracked by a hen on day 8. I took the egg from the hen, (never trust a hen with a cracked egg.) I put on nail polish, and put the egg in an incubator with hatching eggs. (More moisture.) I kept moving the egg to incubators with hatching eggs, and the duck hatched.

Since I mentioned nail polish, I just wanted to say my opinion nail polish vs. wax. Yes the nail polish is stinky, but chicks in the egg will not smell till quite a bit older, and I don't like the idea of hot wax going into the crack, or on the shell.

On to the egg I currently have...(chicken)

I had set this egg and it is day 5, then I noticed the crack. I put on nail polish. (I could have taken the egg out and tossed it, but it was developing. ) Now I will keep candling this egg and the second it dies, I will toss so it doesn't explode. Just incase it leaks, I am putting it in this paper egg cup with holes.

I have a staggered hatch going, and eggs that more advanced, so this egg will go into lock down with them and get the moisture needed. (I dry hatch. My moisture is at 55% without water.)
I will update this thread, and let you know what happens.
Sooooo.... I inadvertently cracked a duck egg. Not sure what day it was on. I had a broody chicken who took over a nest my broody duck was sitting in. When I lifted her up, an egg she had been holding between her wing and body fell out and landed on the other eggs. One was cracked pretty badly.

I brought it inside and immediately candled it. It was viable and moving so I put some melted beeswax over the area and put it in the incubator. That was nearly 2 weeks ago. I began checking it almost daily a week ago. While I could always see movement, I couldn't see any blood vessels. Just solid black. I sincerely thought the egg was dead and just building up bacteria. Still I kept putting it back in the incubator because I wasn't sure.

This morning I candled it again and the black shadow was bobbing in and out of the air cell. I thought it must really be getting ready to explode so I gently opened a hole in the air cell only to hear a squeak.... 😳 I carefully chipped away a dime sized area. Definitely a live duckling, but it looks shrink-wrapped. I applied some mineral oil and put it back in the incubator to finish hatching.


How do you like using mineral oil to keep the inner membrane pliable? I've been using coconut oil and like it because it's natural, but have had a few situations where the coconut oil has dried up with the membrane on the hatchling (sometimes interfering with the hatch). It doesn't seem to stay moist for an extended period. :hmm

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