Hatching chicken eggs Day 20 and 21 nothing HELP

Hatch in chicks

Mar 3, 2023
Am i doing something wrong??? Ok so the humidity in my incubator is 65%, temperature is 99.8 F. Its day 20 for 3 eggs and day 21 for 1 egg.
They were started under broody hen until day 12-13. One of my day 20 eggs has been internally pipped since 1:00pm 10/24/23. NO PIP/PIPS.
10/23 I heard faint chirping and knew it was my eggs/chicks. HELP ME!!! I set the eggs under broody on 10/4 and 10/5
How are they now? Have they made anymore progress? After the first pip, they can rest a long time before pipping more. Has the chick pipped enough for you to see it's beak yet?
Nothing just lots of chirping... here is 2/4 eggs one on right loves chirping and is internally pipped. Should i be worried? Most of the time my hatches HATCH on day 20
By chirping, is it normal chirping, or is it distress chirping? The average chick hatches on day 21 (though I've early hatches too). Is the one on the right the one that first pipped yesterday? This hatch just might be taking their time, especially if your day 21 hasn't started hatching yet. Is your day 21 chirping at all too?
No distress chirping, its normal calm cute chirps. The one on the right did pip INTERNALLY yes. Yesterday around 2:00 pm it started chirping. Although the one that is on day 21 started some faint chirping 2 days ago (day 19). I have not heard much from that egg since; although i have candled all eggs last night and they look like they are all healthy including the older one (day 21 today). In fact, since i candled last night that is how i knew the younger egg had internally pipped. The eggs are numbered here is there numbers:
Egg 2. day 20
Egg 5. day 20
Egg 6. day 21 INTERNALLY PIPPED (now)
I'm not really seeing anything to be concerned about, except the 21 day one taking it's time (I've had late hatches before with no problems). Going by your latest post, it sounds like they're doing pretty good. I wouldn't try candling them anymore, but keep them in lockdown. You lose heat and humidity everytime you open the incubator. I'd still try to be patient. Hopefully one will speed up and be out to see you by tomorrow morning!
I'm not really seeing anything to be concerned about, except the 21 day one taking it's time (I've had late hatches before with no problems). Going by your latest post, it sounds like they're doing pretty good. I wouldn't try candling them anymore, but keep them in lockdown. You lose heat and humidity everytime you open the incubator. I'd still try to be patient. Hopefully one will speed up and be out to see you by tomorrow morning!
Great thanks so much. I'll let you know in the morning how they're doing. Right now they are chirping a lot i feel like some will pip soon!

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