Hatching egg is cracked on arrival


Dec 7, 2021
I just received my hatching eggs and one of the last ones I went to set up for the wait to get to room temperature was very difficult to slide out of the foam. I felt something like it cracked just a bit so I double checked what I could see and there was a crack going down the side of the egg. I had to tear it out of the foam as it was quite stuck, I don’t think I was the one who cracked it since it had already dried and stuck to the foam. I read online that you can try to incubate them still if you seal the cracks with glue or wax so I’m thinking of trying that.

Do I need to clean it first? There is still foam on it, and some dried stuff (white I think? Not sure). Should I scrape it off? Should I just toss this one? Wax or glue if I am to try it still?

Any advice is appreciated, thank you!

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Use room temperature or warm wax, not hot. Do not wash the egg or scrape the stuff because you’re at the risk of washing off the bloom.
Should I cover the dried leakage in wax as well?
Do I need to do this right away? My family and I don’t use candles very often so I’m not sure if we’ll be able to find an unscented one until morning when all of the stores are open.
Should I cover the dried leakage in wax as well?
Do I need to do this right away? My family and I don’t use candles very often so I’m not sure if we’ll be able to find an unscented one until morning when all of the stores are open.
If you have leakage from the egg, it ruptured inner membrane and is most likely a lost cause. If it was me, I would discard that egg but that's me. Probably will get bacteria inside egg. I have seen others repair shell but not if it is leaking.
If you have leakage from the egg, it ruptured inner membrane and is most likely a lost cause. If it was me, I would discard that egg but that's me. Probably will get bacteria inside egg. I have seen others repair shell but not if it is leaking.
I was hoping to wait until day five, when I planned on candling it, just in case. Would that be safe? Its just starting day two of incubation. I’ll take it out right away if it could hurt the other eggs in there.
Also, I covered all of the cracks in wax and anywhere that the leakage was too.
In my experience, that egg is too damaged to be still viable. That's the risk of shipped eggs.
Yeah I ordered 24 button quail eggs. 5 were cracked on arrival. Most have weird air cells. If there is poop on it, any weird texture, wrong size, wrong shape or has thin spots in the shell when candled I write it off to not risk spoiling the other eggs
The crack looks like it froze in shipping. In my experience, an egg that is cracked, and candle waxed, or nail poished, will make it to day ten, if the crack is there from the beginning.
If the egg gets a crack on day ten, and repaired it should make it to hatch, depending on the crack.

If you try and repair and set it, keep it far from the other eggs incase it explodes.
Good luck.
Thanks everyone. I forgot to update earlier, but we’re on day seven now and I ended up tossing the cracked egg around day two.
It had a strange foam or puss-like substance that actually made it’s way through the wax. If there was enough pressure for that to happen, I thought there was a good chance it could explode and contaminate the other eggs. So it is no more.
I used birthday candle wax, just in case you’re wondering why it’s pink. It was the only unscented wax I could find.

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