Hatching Eggs in PA


Mar 6, 2024
I have joined backyard chickens for advice on raising chickens.
My parents have said that I am allowed to get chickens for my birthday in May. We used to own chickens but a neighbors dog would keep killing them, so we got rid of them. Now that the dog is much older we are more confident in getting chickens and will have an enclosed run. Unfortunately, we live in a suburb area in State College PA, so we cannot have roosters. We are thinking of getting 2 jersey giant hatching eggs, 2 speckled sussex, and 2 buff orpingtons, as I know these are the friendliest ones. I am raising them as pets and will take care of them in hopes of being able to interact and somewhat play with them. We are thinking of getting the Homestead XL with run from The Chicken Coop Company, but I am wondering if anyone here has a hatchery in state college PA selling these hatching eggs.
Thank you guys so much! I will keep you updated and any advice you can give will be wonderful! Sidenote, has anyone heard how to do chicken leashes? When I used to own chickens, they wouldn't like the leashes, but if I tried from birth to make it work would it? Thanks! :)

I have joined backyard chickens for advice on raising chickens.
My parents have said that I am allowed to get chickens for my birthday in May. We used to own chickens but a neighbors dog would keep killing them, so we got rid of them. Now that the dog is much older we are more confident in getting chickens and will have an enclosed run. Unfortunately, we live in a suburb area in State College PA, so we cannot have roosters. We are thinking of getting 2 jersey giant hatching eggs, 2 speckled sussex, and 2 buff orpingtons, as I know these are the friendliest ones. I am raising them as pets and will take care of them in hopes of being able to interact and somewhat play with them. We are thinking of getting the Homestead XL with run from The Chicken Coop Company, but I am wondering if anyone here has a hatchery in state college PA selling these hatching eggs.
Thank you guys so much! I will keep you updated and any advice you can give will be wonderful! Sidenote, has anyone heard how to do chicken leashes? When I used to own chickens, they wouldn't like the leashes, but if I tried from birth to make it work would it? Thanks! :)

Why not get baby chicks instead of hatching eggs? Hatching eggs are not a 100% chance to hatch... as it is pretty risky.
I have never tried using a chicken leash but... you could give it a try.
Why not get baby chicks instead of hatching eggs? Hatching eggs are not a 100% chance to hatch... as it is pretty risky.
I have never tried using a chicken leash but... you could give it a try.
Thank you so much for responding! I do think that baby chicks may be good, but I really want to experience the hatching and imprinting on the babies. Would it be possible to go to someone's hatchery, watch the eggs hatch and then pick up the newborn?
in my opinion, Plymouth Barred Rocks are also well tempered. but I would suggest buying an auto breed, like Cream Legbar, so you can tell immediately by color who is a rooster.
I agree ;). I was thinking about auto sex breed, but do you know a list of them? I tried looking some up, but I couldn't find any. Also, do you know the friendliest autosex breeds? Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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