Hatching eggs. Should moving the hen take place before or after the chicks hatch?


Mar 17, 2022
Central Florida
My hen has been sitting on eggs and today is day 14. She’s up high (approx 2-2.5 ft) and in the common area of the coop in one of the three nesting boxes. I know she’s too high for the chicks to make it down safely, but I’ve been nervous about moving her. It’s my first time letting a hen sit on eggs and I did not think things through with regard to that. Should I wait until the chicks hatch and move them down before the hen takes them out of the nesting box or should I move her ASAP? I sectioned off an area ( 2.5x6) with a nesting box and away from the other hens at ground level today. I figure I should have it ready to go and am debating putting her in there tonight. Any advice on the matter would be appreciated.
It would be easier to have a ramp attached to the nesting box so the chicks can slide down. But they wouldn't be able to go back up.

So I think after the chicks hatch is when to move them.
At this point, I would wait until the chicks hatch. If you try to move her now, this late in the game, you really risk her refusing the new nest and abandoning the eggs. Some hens are VERY picky about that first spot.

Others will sit on eggs wherever you plunk them, but this late in the game you don't want those eggs cooling while you and the hen decide what's going to happen.

The chicks can get down from 2 to 2.5 feet. They *probably* can get back up again (some are dumb, just the facts). I've used rolled chicken wire or cloth to create a little ramp for them.

But if you want a better location for growing out the chicks, move after they have hatched and are fluffed. Momma will go wherever her chicks are. That should be about day 2 after the first hatches.

If the chicks are at risk of being tromped up in this current nest, then my best successes have been to block off the nest putting food and water nearby for the hen.

My flock is pretty chill now, and I have had main box brooding success, but there is always a risk.

Good luck on your hatch.

At this point, I would wait until the chicks hatch. If you try to move her now, this late in the game, you really risk her refusing the new nest and abandoning the eggs. Some hens are VERY picky about that first spot.

Others will sit on eggs wherever you plunk them, but this late in the game you don't want those eggs cooling while you and the hen decide what's going to happen.

The chicks can get down from 2 to 2.5 feet. They *probably* can get back up again (some are dumb, just the facts). I've used rolled chicken wire or cloth to create a little ramp for them.

But if you want a better location for growing out the chicks, move after they have hatched and are fluffed. Momma will go wherever her chicks are. That should be about day 2 after the first hatches.

If the chicks are at risk of being tromped up in this current nest, then my best successes have been to block off the nest putting food and water nearby for the hen.

My flock is pretty chill now, and I have had main box brooding success, but there is always a risk.

Good luck on your hatch.

Great advice. Thank you.

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