Hatching Issues- Help!


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2018
Hello BYC! This is my first time posting, although I’ve read a lot on the site prior to tonight.

I am hatching chicks for the first time. I rescued them from a local university- they were left over from a developmental class and were going to be destroyed :-(

The eggs I got were at varying rates of development and I was certain the oldest would arrive in about 4 days. I planned on removing them from the egg turner when I got home from work but when I arrived home from work I found I was wrong on my days and I had a chick! I removed the eggs from the egg turner, and sprayed the incubator to return the humidity level to 72-74% (its fluctuating a bit).

Anyway, long story for this one question. My hatched chick seems to have knocked off quite a bit of shell off of one particular egg but I don’t see any hole in the membrane. Should I be worried? I wrapped it in a moist paper towel because the membrane looked a little dry to me.
Update: How long should I wait after a pip before I worry about assisting in a hatch? I read 24 hours but I’ve also seen 48 hours. Lots of my eggs had pips when I got home from work but only one more has hatched so far. And I’m getting anxious as a first time hatcher!

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