Hatching Question - How to lay eggs in bator????


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 4, 2009
I have 12 eggs set to hatch on Wednesday, 4/1/09. Day 18 is Sunday and my question is do i stop turning them Sat night or Sunday night?

Also, should i leave them in the egg cart they are in (see pic or I have heard of people taking them out of the egg crate and just laying them on the wire rack on the side? Please make recommendations...this is my first hatch and 12 of 16 are still good to go...I dont want to screw it up now......

Lay them on their side Sunday afternoon on the wire rack. I have only hatched 2 batches of chicks but of the 36 I have incubated only 2 haven't hatched or 95% which I am pretty proud of.
Personally I would lay them on there side. I'm afraid they would hurt their legs when stumbling out of the carton. I also would think it would be harder to get out of the shell if it can't move around. I would stop turning Sun morning. But, that is my opinion. Good luck with your hatch.
Rooster Ray is right. My instructions for my incubator says three days before the eggs are to hatch, remove eggs (from egg turner, or in your case egg crate) and lay them on their side on the wire floor in their natural unsupported position. "Lay eggs on wire floor with small end pointed slightly down.

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