Hatching question


May 28, 2018
I have 3 duck eggs. 2 have begun to hatch. I’m worried about the one pictured. She doesn’t seem to be making the “zip” around the egg, she just seems to make this hole. The hole appears to be in the big part of the egg too. She has been like this for 3 days. I can see the beak and she is moving however her chirps have gone from pleasant to a screeching sound so I was wondering if she was in distress. I put the egg on a damp paper towel as I read somewhere here that may help. Temp is constant 99 degrees. I have kept the tray in the bottom full of water so humidity should be good. Any suggestions?


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I like to continue (assist) the zip around the egg.

So my little guy is out of the egg. He is really yucky. He is wobbling around the incubator. Doesn’t seem to be acting right. He has been out since this morning and his feathers aren’t drying like the others. The hooky stuff is drying and sticking to him. What should I do now?

I don’t raise ducks. I’m a school teacher and we are hatching in the classroom. Don’t need a casualty!!
Congratulations on your new babies, i'm sure your students will be happy that they hatched!!!! When mine were hatched from an incubator it took them a few hours of rest to start being more active, as far as the stuff drying on it I would get a damp paper towel or wash cloth & try to gently wipe it off, I never experienced this but if your careful I don't see what this would hurt
This is not about ducks but a hen that sat on 15 eggs. They started to hatch. The first time a year ago, I was at work on hatch day and everything went smooth and she was a good mom. Maybe being home I am just too worried. Also it is May and still fairly cold in WA state and last time it was in hot August. Anyway I decided to check on her eggs on 22 day. There was 3 hatched and some cracked. Next afternoon checked and there was one dead squished baby and a squished in the egg baby which we took out of nest. Today I went out and there are 6 chicks outside the coop/nest in small fenced off area. Seems too cold out there in the dirt but she wont go back in the nest. There are still about 7 eggs in nest that haven't begin to even crack. One of her chicks seems to be weak and shivering and not going under her. She was such a good mommy last time. Not sure what to do about the weak looking chicks or the eggs still in the nest
I take them out and warm them under a heat lamp, and give them some sugar water every so often with an eye dropper. Just a few drops. Then leave them in the brooder. Some will progress to be normal, and some will not make it. Give him some sugar water and leave the rest up to nature.
I went back out to check and there was a missing chick...so i scooted them out of the way and started digging. Found the weak baby buried alive upside down and barely breathing. took it in the house, it was breathing but eyes closed. heated a wash cloth in microwave and wrapped it up and put a 60 watt light bulb over a box. Forced a little water down its dirt filled beak. Went back a couple hours later and he is acting better. Chirping at me and wigging around & eyes open! I heated wash cloth and forced water down him again. Actually got one tiny piece of chick food in him. Acted like he liked it, but couldn't get more down him. Sudden noises caused his to be startled. He is doing so much better, just hope he continues to improve.

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