Hatching shipped eggs 2/3... Anyone else Hatch-Along?


8 Years
May 29, 2011
I'm waiting for shipped eggs (1st time). I've got the incubator warming up... And I find myself checking it several times a day!! It's been steady ~ 100 for two days...
Do I think eggs will magically appear??:lol:
Ok, so this is my first time getting eggs in the mail, bcms and welsummers, I like those dark eggs!
Is letting them set for 24 hours enough? any tips would be appreciated.
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The 24 hour thing is of great debate. Some people only let them sit long enough to come to room temp before setting them & then do not begin turning for 2-3 days. Others swear they have to sit outside the bator for 24 hours & then not be turned for 24 hours. Others just plop them in & begin turning right away.

My personal experience with this is as follows:
For my own eggs, they go straight from nestbox to bator & start turning after 24 hours.
For shipped eggs, I allow them to settle pointy end down in a carton for as close to 24 hours as possible before setting & then wait 24-48 hours to begin turning. If I know they have had an especially rough trip I stand them in cartons with pointy end down & just tilt the cartons until I know aircells are stable. I've never tried to hatch in the cartons except for quail & it didn't work well for the quail so now even they get laid on their sides for hatching. I incubate quail in cartons simply because it's easier to tilt a carton of 50 tiny eggs than to turn each by hand. I then take them all out & lay them on their sides at lockdown. Some people swear by standing all eggs in cartons for hatch, but I haven't tried it.
I know, this is crazy, it's not like I haven't incubated chicks before... It is the first time for spending this kind of money, kind of a crap shoot. I am getting them from a BYC member, great reviews!!
So another question... The incubator is sitting perfect, when I add a bunch of eggs, isn't that going to cause the temp to go up based on all the little activity going in the eggs?
I know, I know, I've done it before, I've just slept since then...
I know, this is crazy, it's not like I haven't incubated chicks before... It is the first time for spending this kind of money, kind of a crap shoot. I am getting them from a BYC member, great reviews!!
So another question... The incubator is sitting perfect, when I add a bunch of eggs, isn't that going to cause the temp to go up based on all the little activity going in the eggs?
I know, I know, I've done it before, I've just slept since then...
Actually, it will drop temps by a degree or so when you add the eggs but should come back up within a couple hours. Don't panic & raise it before it's had a chance to stabilize on it's own 1st or you will cook your eggs.
Silkie has given the exact advise I would have given. Your welcome to any of my notes links pics and videos in an article where I throw them..... https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/hatching-eggs-101 here is a bit of what is in the article about shipped eggs.



1. AIR CELL INFO for Incubation http://www.squidoo.com/mailed-shipped-fertilised-chickens-eggs-fertilized-hatching-chicken-egg A normal air cell in a freshly laid egg are dime sized up to quarter sized in a week-old or older egg, and fixed at the fat end and just looks like a line when candled.
From rough shipping it is possible to see detached, loose or rolling air sacs as seen in the picture. For those eggs, you need to change your hatch plan. They have to sit 24 hours always pointy end down, to see if the aircells will reattach, about half of them will in my experience. Either way, leave them in the egg carton for all 21 days of the hatch. Stop turning early at Day 16 not 18. It is possible to hatch chicks from eggs with detached air sacs when the cells never stabilized even after 24 hours, but were left upright for hatch. Make sure any turning is gentle, and no flatter than 45 degrees, more vertical is better! Disrupted, shattered or ruptured air sacs are seen when instead of one bubble on the side of the egg, there are more than one. Handling must be very rough in these situations and I believe can be enough to kill the embryo in the first place. These should have the same treatment as the detached air sac eggs, but don't re-candle after 24 hours, these won't reattach. Just having the air bubbles rising to the top of the eggs at the fat end while hatching the eggs vertically in trays gives any chicks that do grow chance to pip into the air cell. Likelihood of a chick hatching is lower than intact displaced air cell eggs, but worth a try if the eggs show no sign of spoilage or leaking.
2. Suggestions for Management of Damaged and Mal-positioned Egg Air Cells https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/501034/suggestions-for-management-of-damaged-and-mal-positioned-egg-air-cells "These eggs should then be set into the incubator in a vertical position and not turned for 36-48 hours, after that turning by tilting side to side at a 45 degree angle helps to keep the air at the top. Otherwise leave well alone and dont remove for weighing. During the second week the chorio-allantoic membrane (generously supplied with blood vessels) grows out from the chick to line the complete inner surface, including the air cell. Think of it as inflating a balloon within an already inflated balloon. The air cell is now resealed and from 15 days can be treated normally though gentle handling is needed."
3. http://skeffling.hubpages.com/hub/Chicken-Incubators-and-getting-the-most-chicks-from-your-hatching-eggs "For rolling, detached or disrupted air cells (so cells no longer at fat end of the egg but like a spirit level bubble on the long side), you’ll need to change your hatch plan. They need to sit 24 hours always pointy end down, to see if the cells will reattach. Leave them in the egg carton for all 21 days of the hatch. Stop turning early at Day 16 not 18. I have hatched chicks from eggs with detached air sacs where the cells never stabilized even after 24 hours, but were left upright for hatch. Make sure any turning is gentle, and 45% or more vertical
Thanks, that is very helpful. The eggs will be here thursday, I'll keep you all posted.
Are you due to candle soon??
Ok, so I have 10 penedesenca eggs, 11 BCMS, 13 welsummer eggs, these are all shipped, some from illinois, some from arkansas.
I also put in 1 of my own BCMS and 3 americaunas.
I set them in the incubator Sunday, after letting them settle down.
Day 7 will be this Sunday. I might try candling then.
Due date Feb 3rd. Anybody else have any due?
Ok, so I have 10 penedesenca eggs, 11 BCMS, 13 welsummer eggs, these are all shipped, some from illinois, some from arkansas.
I also put in 1 of my own BCMS and 3 americaunas.
I set them in the incubator Sunday, after letting them settle down.
Day 7 will be this Sunday. I might try candling then.
Due date Feb 3rd. Anybody else have any due?
I havent figure out the calendar yet, but we set serama last sat and bbs cochin on monday. Close enough right?

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