Have a question about Button Quail


12 Years
Nov 20, 2007
Glendale, AZ
I have 12 button quail - 6 adults and 6 younger ones -- I am wanting to build them a hoop coop outside so they can live in a natural setting instead of inside in a tote.

i tihnk they will be very happy outside with fresh air and dirt to bathe in and bugs ewwww.

Here is my plan I want to plant a few small plants inside so they can hide in them - I also want to plant some fast growing ground cover - and also plant a vineing flower on the outside and let it grow up and over the chicken wire -- my questions is what plants are button safe ??

also will they lay thier eggs in a coop or lay them where ever they find a spot they like ?

and what about the winter months are they hardy birds ? should I supply a heat source for them ??

I think right now I have 2 males in my adults and not sure what they younger ones are yet -- will males fight ??
Any plants that are okay for other birds are more than likely okay for Buttons.

As for if they can winter outside..not sure what it's like where you live in the winter but im attempting to keep my buttons outside in a large rabbit hutch over winter here in PA and they can get pretty cold with lots of ice and below freezing temps..

however, I was told as long as i keep drafts out with tarps and shelters they should do okay so that is what im doing.

I am sure they'd do much better with a heating element but i dont have that luxury outside...wish I did! LOL! If did i'd also rig up lighting out there so my birds would lay all winter long iw ish! LOL!

oh and my hen was laying her eggs in the indoor part of her hutch but just reciently started laying her eggs on the wire outside of the indoor part of hte hutch ha ha.
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well I thought about doing a large rabbit hutch - but I like the idea of them being able to scratch on the ground and dust bathe and hunt for bugs --

our winters can vary sometimes they can be very mild but than there are winters that are down right nasty cold LOL

I like the idea of covering them hoop coop with tarps and I plan on putting lots of shavings in there for them to snuggle in - I was thinking of running a light in there just a regular light bulb for heat

guess I will be busy tomorrow putting this thing together - I think I will plant the flowers and other plants in the spring - for right now I just want to get them outside - 12 buttons living in a tote can be a little smelly
32 -- HOLY COW that's alot of buttons LOL

what colors do you so far ?

right now I have a white capped redbreasted male, a sliver male,silver female,and 3 brown females

and in the younger ones I have 3 cinnamon,1 white, 2 I have no cluewhat color they would be called LOL

my older ones were hatched on July - 15 I have not seen any mating going on - so I have no idea when they will start laying ?????
you'll be bummed, only one of those 32 is a button quail, I had bought 10 hatching eggs of buttons and a pair of adult buttons, but only one chick sucessfully hatched...he's in with my 31 coturnix
They get along wonderfully.

My lil button quail i know is a male (he started crowing at 3 days old...no lie..it was pretty awesome)...and he's now starting to get a white bib on his throat prooving he is a male.
He's almost 3 weeks old now.
He's a Golden Pearl Pied

My adults are just normals

I"m getting more button quails though (hatching eggs) soon i canot wait! And I have a few eggs in the incubator from my normal pair.

Have you been to this site?

www.zebrafinch.com that person imports in most of the colors that people in teh US have today...or they produced them. They have a ton of color discriptoins i use them when im not sure what i have.
as for layin they *should* start laying at 6 weeks old, however, dont think you have all males just yet (if you think you do lol) because it's almost ending of the season for eggs to be layed from almost all species of birds so most are "closing up" for the season. One quail breeder told me any chicks that hatch now wont lay eggs until spring..however if you keep them under a light for 18 hours a day they should start laying for you

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