Have any of you ever had khaki Campbell x Muscovy crosses? How common is it? What did they look like?


11 Years
Feb 14, 2013
How common is it for Muscovies and Mallard-derived breeds to cross? Is it less likely to happen if there is a muscovy drake around? I did not separate my muscovy duck from the khaki Campbell drake, I don't think the drake would have bred her because for whatever reason the Muscovies sort of keep to themselves. But I suppose there is a chance that it could have happened. I put a few khaki Campbell eggs in the nest with the muscovy eggs, I know khaki ducklings will be brown and the muscovy ducklings yellow, but what would a khaki x muscovy duckling look like?
How common is it for Muscovies and Mallard-derived breeds to cross? Is it less likely to happen if there is a muscovy drake around? I did not separate my muscovy duck from the khaki Campbell drake, I don't think the drake would have bred her because for whatever reason the Muscovies sort of keep to themselves. But I suppose there is a chance that it could have happened. I put a few khaki Campbell eggs in the nest with the muscovy eggs, I know khaki ducklings will be brown and the muscovy ducklings yellow, but what would a khaki x muscovy duckling look like?
My huge Muscovy Drake would mate with anything in the pen. He even mated my Mallard Drake when he was in drake jail with him!!!! Now I have a Black Swedish Call and I recently had an egg hatch out from under my Mallard Hen that was not hers. It looks just like my Call and the only Hen that had mud all over her back was my Muscovy. Today when they were out in the outside pen she went over to him in Drake Jail and they practically touched bills through the fence. It was really sweet and I do think this Black Swedish duckling that is his belongs to her. They will mate each other. When this baby duckling was born it was all black with a yellow chest and a splash of orange on its little feet making it look like it had boots on. It had a light colored bill and is now bigger than a Call Duck but still not real big as its Momma. I hope this helps you some.
Yes they will.and do! I just hatched out first khaki Campbell Muscovy crosses. They are a few days old. They momma is the Muscovy and she is a loyal incubator. My Campbell drake mated her immediately and they have been a couple ever since. I gotta say she doesn't like him.much since hatching out the babies though.
Yes they will.and do! I just hatched out first khaki Campbell Muscovy crosses. They are a few days old. They momma is the Muscovy and she is a loyal incubator. My Campbell drake mated her immediately and they have been a couple ever since. I gotta say she doesn't like him.much since hatching out the babies though.
Some drakes will actually kill the babies because they want to mate with the Momma. I bet that they are cute. My Muscovy also will mate with my Mallard ducks. It's funny that some won't.
Some drakes will actually kill the babies because they want to mate with the Momma. I bet that they are cute. My Muscovy also will mate with my Mallard ducks. It's funny that some won't.


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Also funny they don't really quack either! So far it's a raspy squeak. Anyone know what pure bread Muscovy ducklings sound like? I got mama Helen at 4 months old.
Mine still did a quieter peep but my Mule duck will quack if she is really upset or scared. It is a loud quack too but she has to really be upset to do it. Otherwise she is just quiet.

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