Have you ever raised chicks combiing a broody with a brooder in the coop?


10 Years
Mar 18, 2012
Just curious. I have a broody hen and I would love for her to help raise some of the 25+ chicks that I am expecting from Sandhill Preservation. My thought was to have her and a brooder in the same coop and giver her all of them after about a week of the chicks brooding indoors. I have grafted chicks successfully in the past. Temps here are in the 60s at night and in the 90s to 100s during the day. I have other options as well but am curious if anyone has done something like this successfully.
She has been at it for about a week and a half. Sitting on a golf ball. I agree, you never know until you give it a try and this will be her first clutch so I will keep watch. She is really sweet as far as broodies go...meaning when I check to see if there are eggs under her she gently pecks my hand rather than the peck/bite/twist and pull thing I have experienced from others.

Here she is...Hyacinth
Nice looking girl. Most put chicks under hen right away removing eggs and replacing with chicks at night so she just thinks her eggs hatched but 25 is a lot to try that with. But have heard of many different ways of introduction. It sometimes takes chicks awhile to accept hen at older age also. And better for hen to be sitting for a couple of weeks before trying. How long till chicks arrive.
They are scheduled to ship on Tuesday but Sand Hill Preservation is not a big hatchery. Their main goal is heritage breed preservation so they don't always have enough chicks to meet demand. We will see. :) Yes, I have grafted chicks before in the method you describe. My husband calls it pulling off the golf ball miracle lol. I am thinking at this point that I will give her 10-12 and brood the rest in a different coop. Thanks for your input!

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