Have You Lost Something? Try This!

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I'm catholic, too but I've never heard of this prayer to St. Anthony. I do, however pray to him any time I need to find something and he never fails to come through!
What I STILL want to know is....did she find her teeth???
1. Find a safe place for the glass, turn upside down and place on table/counter and say outloud or to yourself what you want found. Be sincere.

2. Walk away and TRY TO FORGET about it. I think that's the hard part.

Maybe a good idea to put the glass in a place where you aren't seeing it everyday. I don't know, this is what I did.
I wanted to try this................so I did.....my betterhalf forgot I was trying this and moved/used my glass, so now do I have to start over?

Does this really work or am I wasteing my time? My betterhalf thinks Im nuts.

I lost both of my wedding bands sometime ago and I have tore the house up looking for them. Im thinking they were stolen or lost on a trip to PA. ..................
Ed, use the glass what do you have to lose????

Punker...is that with or without a glass in your hand?
I would prefer to have one in my hand...with a stem on it.

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