Have you stopped eating duck?

I have never been a huge fan of duck to begin with. I mean it was never part of my everday diet. Now I actually have thought about adding duck to my diet, but it is such a fatty meat. Like I really need to add more fat ya know?
I still manage to eat alot of crow :)
No seriously I eat chicken and duck and I don't much connect them when I am with my little buddies...sick I guess huh
1duckychick~ its really not that bad, you just can't think that hard about it....plus after we get a deer it is three months of meat that only caust us $40 for the tag to shoot it.
Worth it for me. Deer is great.

YES ever since i started having an obsesion for ducks and finally got my own i have'nt been near a cooked one for ages, i was a big fan of roast duck, i definatly coulnd'nt eat one of my own either !
No I don't have a hard time eating duck, and I have 30+ for pets. Sometimes one or two of my meat ducks I have a hard time with deciding to butcher them or not, that is how I have a jumbo pekin named Duckzilla. Duck is just way to yummy to give up!
I don't mind killing, cleaning and eating critters. I learned to hunt at a young age. But my ducks....so far none has ended up diner. Mainly because whenever I mention "Maybe we should eat _________", hubby chimes in...

"YOU CAN'T EAT HIM/HER! We raised it from an egg!" or "It was our first baby duck we bought!" or....welll you get the idea.

I had no idea he was such a softie about stuff like this

(Of course, I am easily swayed...so it isn't all on him

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