Have your chickens ever eaten screws????

She is doing so well!!!! She started giving me eggs again in mid January ;). Fattened up like she was before the incident.
I'm so glad that I pay close attention to my flocks behavior, and that I was able to notice that something wasn't right - fast action is key with chickens! I have the best vet in town, most would have put her down... And of course, this site is the best for all its knowledge and support. I couldn't have gone through this experience without all of you!
Thanks so much for thinking about us ;)

I'm so glad to hear it!!!

Pretty Girl's screw is still sitting in her gizzard and doesn't seem to be causing her any trouble at all. Fingers crossed she stays that way :)
my chicken swallowed a screw it was one of those self tapping ones it stayed in her system for 3 years not a single problem and for some reason she really loved screws she used to peck at screws that were on a wall and i say was because we killed her and ate her because she was getting to old good luck with your chicken
Only on BYC would I find others who not only had a problem with their chicken swallowing something sharp - but cured them! I was working outside the coop and some how a tack fell to the ground. The chickens (who had been in the run eating a tasty combo of yogurt, grapes, and bread) suddenly appeared and it looks like Pip was the "lucky" winner who snatched the prize away from the others.

Hoping she dropped it I did use a large magnet to try to find the tack. No luck. I didn't think of putting the magnet up to her crop. I'll try that right after I post this.

It was a "Blue Tack;" short, fat tacks used in upholstery. Is this toxic? If so I will operate first thing in the morning. Despite living in a rural community we don't have a vet that knows chickens. Or goats.

My thanks to everyone who posted helpful advice. I can always count on BYC!
Hi LittleSticks,

My Bea had swallowed a push pin originally .... When she stopped eating and going off on her own away for the rest of the flock is when I thought the pin was a problem. A week later the X-ray came back with much worse then the push pin... She had swallowed a toxic ignighter (from a shot gun shell). A very small pellet size ball. It was so toxic that it was killing her ever so slowly. I have NO idea where she could have picked this thing up...I had to travel 45 minutes to find a vet that would work on poultry (I would travel two hours one way if I had to...).

Anyway! All is well with Bea today...and yes, the helpful advise from others here on BYC is such a comfort. Please keep us posted on your girl!
Yea it was in her gizzard for a while and nothing was wrong with her we found it after we culled her

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