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5 Years
Jun 22, 2014
Cedar Rapids, Ia. area
Here’s my story. In order to get a more fertile veggie garden, my four year dream to get come chickens was born. Luckily I discovered BYC way back then, & started trying to learn a little something. We had chickens when I was a kid, but that’s 65 years ago, & I was just a kid. Last Christmas my kids give me a little push and presented me with a Tractor Supply, 2 chicken coop. Mind you, I’ve been collecting free supplies to build one on a 4’x8’ pallet. Finally April fool’s Day, I bought myself 2 Buff Orp’s, & 4 Cornish. My logic! Butcher the Cornish at 4 to 8 weeks, & leave the Buffs for the coop. Except Chicken math, & empty nest syndrome kicked in. Thiesens has a minimum 6 limit. This time 3 Buff Orps & 3 that were supposed to be Barred Rocks turned into Copper Crested Marons I think. So now I’m at 8. & city ordinance is 6. That’s ok because life happens. Chicks get sick, roosters, or animal attack. Something will & did happen. I had gotten the new coop along enough to get the new chicks into it, & erected a dog run connected to it. I KNOW. I KNOW. Don’t tell me. I’m vulnerable. . First day in the run I got nailed. 3 of the chicks got hit, but none was killed. I suspect a hawk, but don’t really know. 1 had a little patch of scalp torn off. The second had the skin torn loose between the leg & breast, plus some damage. The third actually had the area under its vent torn away, & the guts were hanging out. This really surprised me, as I would think the predator would have killed at least one of them. I put the 2 most damaged into sickbay. Pushed the guts back inside, & smothered everything in Neosporin. For a week now they have both been eating & drinking fortified water. I think they’re doing OK. I’m kind of old school, & don’t have a sensitivity problem. . Take these situations as matter of fact. Quit a learning curve for me.

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Wow! You sure have gone through quite the chicken experiences! I'm sorry for your losses! Glad the ones are doing better though. You might try some coconut oil on their wounds and apple cider vinegar in the water.

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Welcome to BYC!

Oh, I am so sorry for the predator attacks. But good to hear the two are doing better. If you need help with predator proofing your run, you might stop by our Coop and Run Construction section for more help with getting it secure...


So glad you could join our community and welcome to our flock!

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