
Mar 9, 2020
Had my second hawk attack today (last one was almost 2 years ago). Had a 2 month old silkie with a single pinhole puncture wound and a OEGB hen with a few little cuts and a bloody eye (caused by the cut at the corner of her eye, no actual damage to the eye suspected); will keep a close eye on her.

Most likely failed at these two attempts due to the Leghorn and Easter Egger roosters. It ended up flying into the coop and getting into the rabbit hutch containing an one-legged EE bantam and three (difficult to obtain) showgirl silkies. It ended up eating 2 showgirl chicks before my OEGB/Silver Phoenix Bantam mix (Margo) started chasing it and corraled the hawk in a corner where it was trying to escape through the hardware cloth.

She's currently brooding 2 four week old chicks which probably contributed to her brave behavior, good to know she's no pushover! Margo's mother was actually killed by the last hawk (she had one egg left that was dutifully hatched by a silkie in December).

The culprit. No injuries, besides his bruised ego. Released about 50ft away from the chicken yard. He perched in a nearby tree and it didn't take long for the crows to start chasing him away.

The crows typically keep them away, luckily in 4 years I've only had 2 hawk attacks
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Had my second hawk attack today (last one was almost 2 years ago). Had a 2 month old silkie with a single pinhole puncture wound and a OEGB hen with a few little cuts and a bloody eye (caused by the cut at the corner of her eye, no actual damage to the eye suspected); will keep a close eye on her.
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Most likely failed at these two attempts due to the Leghorn and Easter Egger roosters. It ended up flying into the coop and getting into the rabbit hutch containing an one-legged EE bantam and three (difficult to obtain) showgirl silkies. It ended up eating 2 showgirls before my OEGB/Silver Phoenix Bantam mix (Margo) started chasing it and corraled the hawk in a corner where it was trying to escape through the hardware cloth.

She's currently brooding 2 four week old chicks which probably contributed to her brave behavior, good to know she's no pushover! Margo's mother was actually killed by the last hawk (she had one egg left that was dutifully hatched by a silkie in December)

The culprit. No injuries, besides his bruised ego
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The crows typically keep them away, luckily in 4 years I've only had 2 hawk attacks
Wow, amazing story! I love that your chickens chased that hawk down!

Where I am in Wisconsin, for years we never had issues as we have a 125' tower that has 3 sets of 3 guy wires that come down and cover an acre of our two acres. But this year they got braver. I looked out of my office a few days ago and saw this hawk on our light pole. That's the first time in 7 years one has done that. You can see guy wires in the photo. The chickens weren't let out of the coop yet and when he left, I opened the door and they ran for the woods. I guess they must've heard him.

You have wonderful pictures and here's hoping no more hawk attacks!


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Had a 2 month old silkie with a single pinhole puncture wound
He ended up passing away overnight, just turned 3 months old yesterday. Not sure if it was the stress of the attack or if he had some internal injuries.

Not just bad news today though:

Emilia was incubating eggs prior to the hawk attack and luckily didn't abandon them afterwards because they started hatching today!


Two pure silkie eggs, one out so far. Protective mama as always! Her eye is also almost cleared up too. Still reacts to movement on that side, so no damage it seems
The culprit. No injuries, besides his bruised ego. Released about 50ft away from the chicken yard. He perched in a nearby tree and it didn't take long for the crows to start chasing him away.
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The crows typically keep them away, luckily in 4 years I've only had 2 hawk attacks
Wow! How did you get him in that bag? He looks very mad
Good thing he's gone now! He might be too scared to come back 🤣
I think so too! With the way Margo so cuttin' up if that hawk had been on the ground she might have been trying to curb stomp him. I've seen her kill a big New Yorker rat the same size as her, Mama Hens are certainly the most vicious!

Margo about 30 minutes after the hawk attack (still cuttin' up), letting everyone know what happened. Guess she needed a high perch for her announcement 🤣

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