
We decided what we are going to do. Because of the size of my flock, we need something big and preferably light that we can move around the yard. We came up with something cheap and easy. We are going to make a circular day pen made of three 16ft cattle panels covered in some kind of netting. So the structure will be about the size of a swimming pool.

The only iffy part is that it will be kind of hard to get the chickens in and out of it because it will only be 4ft tall. :/
Are you putting netting over the top?
Because they should be able to get out of that.
We had 5ft wood pallets as a pen once and they'd get right over it.
(Not trying to discourage your plans, sounds like a great solution! You may just need to chase them back in there)
Try training them with treats. My hens would follow me to the end of the earth for scratch grain. I only give it to them when I want them in or out.
Are you putting netting over the top?
Because they should be able to get out of that.
We had 5ft wood pallets as a pen once and they'd get right over it.
(Not trying to discourage your plans, sounds like a great solution!  You may just need to chase them back in there)

Yes, we are going to put netting over it. :) We found some cheap netting that people use to keep wild ducks out of their ponds.
I have discussed dispatching our goshawk with the local wardens, they did not look pleased. All birds of prey are protected.
Goshawks at least from what I understand migrate south, though how far they go I am not sure, but I know it is out of Maine! Woo! Also, when they go is still unknown to me, if anyone has any info I would appreciate it. Haven't seen mrs goshawk lately, though, and it's a cold rain a-pouring here in the pine tree state!
I did some research, and from what I found on Cooper hawks, they have perminant residence in my area... :/ Looks like I definitely won't be able to free range my girls anymore. Someone suggested that I just keep my chickens closed up for a few months until the hawk forgets about them, but by the time the few months is up, it will be winter. Which will mean they will be closed up for 6-7 months!! Not gonna happen!!
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I don't let my girls out unless I hear birdsong, particularly crows. Crows are a nightmare for hawks, and if every bird on the street is quiet, something is up. Also, my chickens are pretty in tune with the squirlels. If a seagull casts an odd shadow, they flee in pairs and flatten out under shrubs.
[COLOR=0000FF]I think I have a hawk problem too. In all, I have had 4 chickens disappear this year... A RIR Rooster, 2 of my barred rocks, and yesterday, my newest hen, a production red. The last 2 were within 20-30 feet of the house, one in the driveway... at least that's where I found all the feathers. No tracks around the area.

This morning, while looking for Red, I heard a hawk calling from the trees near my house.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]The only two hens I have left are about to go crazy being locked down in the coop. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]I guess I'm gonna have to go Rambo on the hawks here.[/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF] I'm thinking one Super Black Eagle beats one hawk hands down!
Its illegal to kill a hawk..even to own a feather is serious jail time and huge fines...they maybe a nuisance but they are protected...so maybe best to outwit it...use CDs...pietins tied to clang...scarecrows...radio as an audibles scarecrow...cover your pen....coop spider, Webb...get some Guinea fowl

Hawks and eagle's are protected serious jail time and steep fines if you harm them...its illegal to even posses a feather
We have a ton of hawk pairs living in our backyard. At least 6-8 pairs of different variety hawks, red tail being the largest. I've seen a hawk swoop at my flock once, but they were under a thorn tree(we have them everywhere). The hawk could not get to them, so it left.

Hawks are very determined birds! Once they see something they want, they can't be shoo'd away, not even with water from a garden hose, they come right back.

Even though the hawks are so abundant, they are the lowest of my worries of predators. I'm sure that will be unless I do have a problem in the future. I lose more to coyotes then anything. Dogs are ALWAYS in my yard after my chickens, but I have 2 dogs in the house alerting me when this happens. My dogs can usually see the coyotes unless face to face, then they run to me in fear barking frantically.

We do have a white hen(light brahma). She's my biggest hen of the flock and even escaped a massive coyote attack. I've had neighbor cats attack my hens too. I've only had that one hawk encounter with all the hawks living and nesting in my backyard(woods).

The best way to protect your flock is keeping them in a run. I do like to free range, so does the flock. When the coyotes are around, they are locked up for at least a month. Hawks are illegal to kill. Coyotes are impossible to kill.(we been hunting all summer). Once the leaves have fallen from the trees is when I stop free ranging.

I'm so sorry for your lost hen. If you have a run, keep them locked up for a while. Good luck.

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