Hay in Virginia


10 Years
Jan 9, 2014
Amelia VA
Fairly new to the chicken thing. My family had them when I was younger and now that my husband and I are buying our first home I am looking to start a small farm (we have 20 acres) and my first thing to do is start a flock of chickens. There is a standing hen house that looks like it will work but we need to fence in a yard for them. Does anyone have suggestions for chickens? I want to have a mixed flock mostly egg layers with a few meat chickens. no more than 10 chickens.

Thanks for being such a great forum too. Been lurking for a little today:)
Hi there,
and welcome to BYC!

The learning center is a great place to start when you are first starting out with chickens...


You also might stop by the coop section as well. Take a look thru the different coops here to give you an idea on how your coop might function....


Great to have you aboard and enjoy BYC!
Hello and welcome! Take your time and shop around for your birds. Depending on your egg and meat requirements, you may want to consider dual purpose birds. Take a look at Henderson's Breed chart and the breeds section here for a good start. Have fun!
I am also in Virginia and wanted a small flock of laying hens with a variety of breeds. When we were ready to get our chicks, the plan was to get them from Tractor Supply and I assumed we could get 2-3 of each kind. That did not work out the way I planned, there was a rule that you had to purchase a minimum of 6 chicks. Anybody know why that rule is in effect? We ended up with 6 red stars and 6 amber links. I love the ones that we have, they are friendly, lay well, brown eggs.

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