He almost shot Jesus!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Our local paper is doing a series of articles called 'Get to know your local law enforcement', where they interview each of the local officers and tell a little about them. In the articles, each officer relates what is the most memorable event of their career.
It's soon to be my DH's turn and last night we talked about which event he would tell the paper about. There's the day that he watched four of his fellow officers be killed and the infamous buzzard story, but he doesn't want to talk about them.
He decides he wants to tell about the night he almost shot Jesus. This is one I've never heard, so he tells me.
It happened twenty-seven years ago when he was a young rookie officer. The town was very small back then and he was the only officer on patrol that night.
He's patroling the downtown area when he notices a door open at the catholic church. He calls in his location and goes in to investigate. He's never been in the catholic church before, so he's unfamiliar with the layout. There's no one in the vestibule or the sanctuary, so he decides to check out a hallway to the right of the altar. Walking along the dark hallway with only his flashlight to see by, he checks each room off the hallway. He finds no one.
At the end of the hallway there's an alcove to the left. As he turns to look down there he sees a man with his arms raised in the air. My DH raises his flashlight and draws his weapon at the same time and tells Jesus to halt! A life-sized statue of Jesus.
DH says he's thankful to this day that he didn't actually fire his weapon. Shoot Jesus and he'd still be trying to live it down.
Gritsar pass this one on to him...

My dear Cousin was in a similiar situation except it was a wood indian statute about 6 foot tall. It sat on the far corner of an old country store's porch. On patrol one night he got a call of an attempted break in at the store and he is flashlight investigating. Comes around the corner, see the indian (who by the way was holding a raised tomahawk). He yells at the suspect to "Freeze and drop your weapon"
three times he orders him to drop the weapon. He swears that it moved...but he unloaded a revolver into the wooden indian.

When asked why he shot 6 times the reply was "He would not drop the weapon or fall"

He still has not lived that one down.
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Well there is the incident where DH earned the nickname Quickdraw McGraw, but that's another one he won't talk about.

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