He meant well lol


For Love of Boo...
11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
Silverlake/Mill Creek, WA
My DH wanted to surprise me for Christmas with an immersion blender <YAY!!!!> So, he apparently ordered one off of Amazon for me, and I guess he expected it would be in the Amazon box so I couldnt see lol

He couldnt have it deleivered to his work cos they dont allow that, so he told me what day the box should be here (Wednesday) and to sign for it, and put it in the extra bedroom, and DON'T PEEK!!! Ok, I can do that...I know its's important to him so I can live with the surprise for a few days...even tho its gonna kill me .

So, he calls me on his lunch yesterday (Tues), and we are chatting. The doorbell rings, and I go to the door and there is a delivery guy there who is just leaving after dropping off the package on the step, ringing the bell and taking off. I am still on phone with DH at that time, and he says who is it? I look down and then realize that the delivery guy left the pkg on the door step and:

1) its a day early

2) not in a brown amazon box

3) VERY visible what it is lol

DH was soooooo sad....he wanted it to be a total surprise for me.
I told him I tried to not look at it when I put it in the back bedroom, and I even covered it with a towel so I still couldn't see it
At least his box coming is a surprise so I get to surprise him lol

Poor guy tho

but..... I have to say it...I cannot contain myself....even tho I am not supposed to know lol

I GOT AN IMMERSION BLENDER !!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT YAY!!!!! <um practicing for Christmas day >
Well we had sort of the same thing--except that it was a confirmation email from amazon--for a present he had mentioned that he was thinking about and I told him that I did not want! ARRGH! Well, at least I have a few days to try putting on a polite smile and coming up with some way of seeming happy that he spent a fortune on something that I do not want and will not use--I didn't need an expensive present, but if he wanted to spend money, I would much rather have any of several other things that would get appreciated and used.
It was so sweet of him tho.... he got EXACTLY the one I wanted
I didnt ask him for it or anything...we had decided that we would skip this xmas and just do a little something like dinner and a token gifty. We give stuff all year you see

It means he paid attetion when i mentioned about wanting one someday..... I got a good guy

Now if I could only get him to listen when I need him to get milk on the way home or take the garbage out to the curb in the am
Keep practicing that surprised face!

A friend did something similar this year. He liked my kindle (electronic book reader), so well that he decided to get one for his wife. Went on amazon to order it, not thinking that he probably shouldn't have logged in under the account she uses. I mentioned that she will see it on her account history if she is ordering other things and he said, not only that but they sent an email confirmation. Of course it went to her email since it is her account! She has to pretend to be surprised as well!
That is it EXACTLY. I want to hold a REAL book in my hands. I want to smell the ink and feel the pages. I want to be able to thumb back a few pages to re-read a paragraph. I want to support my LOCAL bookstore, not some internet website that I can't go into and pull out an interesting looking book from the case and page through it to see if it interests me. I already told him most of this, so WHY did he get me one?

I absolutely HATE reading documents on my computer--unless I am editing (and sometimes even then)--I will print them out and read them in hard copy.

I want a kindle so bad it almost hurts!!
I am hoping next year I will be working so that we can afford to get one....but oooo think of all the room I could save w/out al my paperbacks lol
That is what he said, but I read and re-read them. And I will still purchase real books and I cannot believe that the number that I purchase will be any fewer. I would LOVE to have a really good steam cleaner for the floors, a good stand mixer, a good bread maker, a good food processor--any of these would be welcome! A donation to a charity would have been equally welcome! Sigh.
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That is what he said, but I read and re-read them. And I will still purchase real books and I cannot believe that the number that I purchase will be any fewer. I would LOVE to have a really good steam cleaner for the floors, a good stand mixer, a good bread maker, a good food processor--any of these would be welcome! A donation to a charity would have been equally welcome! Sigh.

LOL Oh I hear you....I love the smell of ink and paper...but he is from England. We have to travel there on lonnnnnnnnng plane trips and carrying an entire bag of books kills me. I read very fast, and complete a regualr sized paperback book in less than an hour and a half. So, we are looking at about a 9-13 hour trip in the air, let alone time in waiting for planes etc....so a kindle would save my back sooo much!! And also less luggage

I reread all my books...over and over and over, but the fact is is that there are very few I would actually keep in paper form if I could change it. I have my favourites in hardback whenever possible, but the paperbacks just end up getting munched over the years, even though I take good care of them.

Its much easier for me to take a little thing with ALL or most of my books in it rather than a huge backpack filled with them. I woudl love kitchen stuff too, but we have a smaller kitchen...not a lot of room for the things I would love.
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