Head injury or illness?


8 Years
Jul 26, 2014
Hi Everyone,

Brand new coturnix quail owner with a sick or injured quail.

I have a flock of 10 at about 7 weeks old. This morning, all seemed well when I moved them from their coop to their aviary. When I came out to check on them, there was evidence of fighting because one of them, a tuxedo of unknown sex, received a minor scalp injury. Then I saw that one of my pharoah females was acting puffy and droopy, but still alert and responsive when I grabbed her to examine her. I came out a little while later and her condition seemed to worsen. Less responsive, more droopy, and she puts her head straight and flat onto the ground, shaking and twitching her head.

It's chilly and wet outside, so I transferred her and one of my gentle quails into a kitty carrier (with lots of padding) and brought them inside to get warm. She ate a small amount of food, but her condition is still poor. In addition to the drooping and shaking, sometimes she thrashes around and cries out in alarm.

Are these symptoms consistent of a head injury, or do quail sometimes just randomly get organ failure and kick the bucket? Perhaps she was exposed to something toxic while in the tractor the other day?

Other than keeping her stress reduced and offering food and water every hour or so, is there anything more I can do?

I want to do well by my quail and make sure whatever happened to my pharoah doesn't happen to the others.
It's hard to say. If you could take a video and upload it to YouTube, you can post a link here.

This could be head injury or it could be something else. They do occasionally just get sick and die. Make sure she stays warm. You may even want to give her a heat lamp temporarily. If you have some Nutri-Drench or Save-a-Chick, you may want to see if you can get some into her for an energy boost to help her heal.
It's hard to say. If you could take a video and upload it to YouTube, you can post a link here.

This could be head injury or it could be something else. They do occasionally just get sick and die. Make sure she stays warm. You may even want to give her a heat lamp temporarily. If you have some Nutri-Drench or Save-a-Chick, you may want to see if you can get some into her for an energy boost to help her heal.
Thanks for your quick response. She and her companion are by the fire.

Here's a video of her as she's having an episode. This one was pretty severe and I put some padding against the walls so she doesn't boink that hard again. Her symptoms started out as what she shows at the end of the video - the head droop, and tremor of the head.

Thanks for your quick response. She and her companion are by the fire.

Here's a video of her as she's having an episode. This one was pretty severe and I put some padding against the walls so she doesn't boink that hard again. Her symptoms started out as what she shows at the end of the video - the head droop, and tremor of the head.

I have one that started doing this at a couple months old. She is fine most of the time, but when someone walks by the cage and scares her, she starts flopping around like that. She has always lived inside and was never exposed to any toxins, I think she just has a neurological problem that is worsened with stress. Perhaps the stress of moving from cage to aviary has stressed her.
Thanks for your quick response. She and her companion are by the fire.

Here's a video of her as she's having an episode. This one was pretty severe and I put some padding against the walls so she doesn't boink that hard again. Her symptoms started out as what she shows at the end of the video - the head droop, and tremor of the head.

That could be a head injury, but that's not a sure diagnosis. I would keep an eye on her and keep giving her food and water. If she doesn't start to improve over the next few days, either the head injury is severe or it's something else. Either way, if she doesn't get better in the next few days, you have the choice of continuing to care for her or culling.
That could be a head injury, but that's not a sure diagnosis. I would keep an eye on her and keep giving her food and water. If she doesn't start to improve over the next few days, either the head injury is severe or it's something else. Either way, if she doesn't get better in the next few days, you have the choice of continuing to care for her or culling.
I'll monitor her through the night and day tomorrow, hopefully she recovers. She's stopped taking food and water on her own, but I may have a dropper somewhere that I could use.

As candy pointed out, it could be a late onset neurological disorder. Maybe during the skirmish earlier this morning she got triggered, or could be she smacked into the walls of the aviary, I just don't know. I just wish I knew exactly what caused it so I can try to prevent it from happening again.
Good luck and keep us posted on how she does. I hope it's just a bonk on the head and she recovers quickly.
Will do. She's started rhythmic gasping. I just administered a few mils of water mixed with trace amounts of egg and salt as I don't have any electrolytes around. I'll give her a little more in a few hours before bed and hope for the best by morning. Her companion is being very snuggly with little chirps, so I'm glad he can offer her some comfort.
Thanks for your quick response. She and her companion are by the fire.

Here's a video of her as she's having an episode. This one was pretty severe and I put some padding against the walls so she doesn't boink that hard again. Her symptoms started out as what she shows at the end of the video - the head droop, and tremor of the head.

What are you feeding them? That looks very much the way they react when they have Ergot poisoning.
Good luck and keep us posted on how she does. I hope it's just a bonk on the head and she recovers quickly.
She perished quietly about 20 mins ago. She was pooping regularly, was alert and quiet as she was being handled, and not convulsing as much, so her death was unexpected.

What are you feeding them? That looks very much the way they react when they have Ergot poisoning.
They're currently fed an 18% chick start crumble from Tractor Supply, plus a little flax seed and red rolled wheat from the grocery store as treats. Do you recommend replacing their crumble right away?

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