Healthy snacks to give baby chicks??


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
Ord Nebraska
i have 3 Buff Orpington pellets and i was wanting to give them a little treat or snack, my grandma has alot of grown chickens but these are the first ones im raising myself. what types of things could i give the little chicks for a snack??
Chickens in general can eat almost any veggi or fruit. Besides uncooked potatoes, it is poisonous to them. We gave ours cabbage and lettuce all the time and they loved it!
I haven't tried this with mine yet (they are only a week old) but I've heard mealworms and cooked eggs are great treats! You just have to be careful to give them some chick grit if you're giving treats to assure they can digest them properly.

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