Heat exhaustion or other? Legs paralyzed

This morning I gave her a good long 30 minute soak in the warm epsom salts... she does seem to enjoy it. I mix it up in one of those pink tubs you get every time someone is in the hospital (I have LOTS of them), it is the perfect size to soak a hen
Then I scrambled two jumbo eggs for her. She

quickly wolfed down over 3/4 of it. I got her rinsed and dried off and thought I had her settled in for a nap, but when I went in a few minutes ago she was standing up

looking around. She is somewhat steady on her feet and can stand normally and unassisted for minutes at a time once she gets her balance. When she loses her

balance I let her struggle to get & stay upright, figure it is good excersize for those muscles. Later I'm going to give her some cherry tomatoes and cantaloupe and

maybe some scratch. Since she's debeaked she's a sloppy eater... I can only compare it to what it might be like to you trying to pick up small objects when over half

of each finger has been lopped off, so it usually works out better to put food in pans rather than spread out on the ground or on a shallow plate. If she recovers and goes

back out to the coop, I hope that she doesn't encourage a chicken uprising amongst the others, demanding long warm soaks and a constant parade of treats!
I brought in a chicken last night with obvious heat stroke. I was researching what to do and from what I read heat stroke causes brain damage and can take a bit to recover from. My little guy pulled through overnight and is drinking on his own, but not eating. His comb almost looked like he had frostbite. He doesn't walk either. I just wanted to pass that along in case yours did suffer from a heat injury and damaged her brain??? Also, since she likes watermelon so much, do you think she might like it if you mix the juice from the melon with chicken food or scrambled egg for some added nutrition? Just a thought...I am going to take what you are doing and see if I can do any more for Sam! Good luck.
wholewheatchicken, I DO think that watermelon is wonderfully healing, both for us and chickens, because it has so much fluid filled with so many vitamins and minerals. The only thing mine seems to NOT want to eat right now are her crumbles, so yes I may either pour some juice over some of those or mix in some chopped watermelon with the crumbles. I would say for you to offer plenty of fruits and veggies (watermelon, cantaloupe, dark leafy greens, berries) and protein (meat and eggs) as well as encourage her to eat some crumbles, and keep up the fluid intake (the fruits and veggies will help with that). The treats don't have to cost you either... I get my mom to save her & her friends leftovers from her several different breakfast clubs she goes to, I pick untreated dandelion greens from my yard (as well as having planted different greens for the birds too), and of course I ALWAYS have eggs! I think that the warm epsom salts soaks really help too (just watch that your bird doesn't try to drink it cause it's a powerful laxative, or fall asleep and let their head fall into the water and drown). Some of those powdered electrolytes mixed into the drinking water would probably be good too. And if you can find time, do make the bird move around some fairly often (even if YOU are the one doing the moving for her), it will help keep up muscle tone which is SO important. With muscles, it really is use it or lose it!
Sam ate a little scrambled egg this afternoon. He drinks a lot. He is more alert than he was. Right now all of my silkies are stuck somewhere in the house and the seramas are in so the activity has at least caught his attention for the time being. I will exercise his legs because I have not seen him move more than to turn around a little at a time since I brought him in last night. Just one more day to go here before the heat starts to break. I don't know how people who live where it is even hotter than this the entire summer do it. My hat is off to all of them!
Yes, the rest of my girls (17 of them) are still out in the heat, but they seem to be doing pretty well. I give them icewater 2-3 times a day, wet down a shady section of their run a couple times a day, and have fans on them 24/7. Their feed intake has gone down some and I try to not handle or disturb them in any way, but they're surviving. I just looked at the weather map and it seems there are small scattered patches of rainstorms (what the heck is THAT???) all around us, but not too close
. Is is about 106 out there right now.., they are claiming that it "could" drop to 90 tomorrow. What intrigues me most is the overnight forecast for the upcoming week.... SIXTIES.... overnight temps in the 60's would be such a Godsend. I am praying for rain and cooler temperatures
Well, the Chickerdoodle is dead, I came home and found her with her head in the water bowl. I don't know if she just passed away and her head fell in, or if she drowned... doesn't much matter cause either way she's gone.

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