Heat Stress


10 Years
Sep 28, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
I have a few questions about heat stress.

We've been having some incredibly warm temperatures for April. Today we're already at 88! It should be 60. I have two groups of chickens (six 21wk chicks, and ten 4 wk chicks). The younger ones seem to be doing better than the older ones. Only a few of the babies are panting, and they aren't doing it all the time. The old birds however are panting quite a bit. Both coops are cooler than outside, and located in the shade.

Now for the questions. Could this just be due to the sudden increase in temperature? [Yesterday was only 70ish.] I have all my vents open to catch as much of the breeze as I can, which for the big birds is about 12sq ft. None of the birds seem terribly upset. Even the birds that are laying down and panting will get up on their own to eat and drink. Is there anything special I should be doing for them? And are they necessarily 'heat stressed' if they are panting (ex: dogs pant, but it's nothing to freak out about)?

Thank goodness it's supposed to get back into the 60s on Friday.

Thanks guys!
Sending hugs for your hot babies. What about installing a fan in your coop for some colder air.
Our temps. have also been hot then cold up and down but our winters are on the way.
A fan is a good idea. Run it on low (running it on high could frighten them) and not directly on the chicks, you want the air to circulate around them. Also, make sure they have plenty of fresh water.

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