Hello Everyone, from Chicago


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 28, 2013
Hi All,

My name is Hashim, living in Chicago,IL. I have loved chickens forever and had many during my childhood but not anymore . I I love reading about chickens, finding more about various breeds. My family and friends never understood my craze and appreciation for chickens.

I joined this site 2 years back and have been visiting ever since. I must appreciate you all for the wonderful information and tips you guys are putting out there. And it makes me happy to read about so many people who absolutely adore chickens.

I need some advice regarding 'commenting' on certain articles. I have been visiting https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/5/My_Chickens a lot but I am not able to add any comment to any of the posts. I just don't see the option to 'reply' or add a comment.

Thanks in advance.And I hope you all have a great winter :)
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Hi :welcome

Chickens sure can become an obsession as you have found out, your in good company here for chicken obsession!!

As for your questions about not being able to comment on things, as you only have a post count of 2 you probably just need more posts and the add comment should then become available. The more you post the more features become available to you.

Wishing you the very best of luck in the future :frow

Hello :frow and welcome to BYC!
Yorkshire coop,

Thank you for the warm welcome and information regarding commenting. Yup, backyard chickens can become an obsession and it is my dream to own them again :)
BantamFan4Life, Peep-Chicken, drumstick diva,trailrider330
- Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I so much appreciate all your love for your pet chickens. Chickens are such intelligent and useful animals, with such varied traits and moods.
I have wonderful and everlasting memories of chickens from my childhood.
I love reading up all your posts here. Thanks again )
BantamFan4Life, Peep-Chicken, drumstick diva,trailrider330
- Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I so much appreciate all your love for your pet chickens. Chickens are such intelligent and useful animals, with such varied traits and moods.
I have wonderful and everlasting memories of chickens from my childhood.
I love reading up all your posts here. Thanks again )

Yes, chickens are wonderful animals. Do you have any pictures of your flock?

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