Hello Everyone!


12 Years
Mar 2, 2007
North West South Dakota
Hey everyone, just thought I'd drop in for a visit, as it's been a long time since I visited. Here's what my summer's been like. I lost my job as secretary of a church, went to work for my hubby in the hay field, started a job more local part time. I'm working at a gas station.

I've been doctoring quite a bit lately. My arms and hands are numb and tingle with some pain. I won't type much because it hurts. I don't have a disk between C6 & C7 in my neck, and local dr's are thinking it's pinched nerve, specialist says it's carpal tunnel. I went through a MRI yesterday, and go back for a nerve test next week.

The 24th of June our dog Sausha had 8 puppies, and I've been hatching all summer, and doing pretty good with that. I just put some duck eggs in the incubator tonight. I have a duck outside that's setting on some eggs now. What am I thinking? LOL

It's really nice to have a place to come to and meet up with old and new friends. Take care, and hope to hear from you all.
Welcome back and be careful in the field!!!
Welcome back! Sure sounds like you have been busy. Take care of your arms and hands....I let carpel tunnel go for about 10 years and ended up with permanent nerve damage.

Good Luck on the hatching!

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