Hello fellow chicken enthusiasts

May 11, 2023
Hi! 30 year old Florida lady here šŸŠšŸ«”
Iā€™m a long time lurker and recently started posting, I kept forgetting to do an introduction.

Iā€™ve got a flock of silkies & showgirls + one australorp, and one silkie x bantam cochin cross house chicken roo.
Silkies are my favorite, I enjoy reading about their genetics and seeing various crosses people create with them.
I also have recently acquired an obsession with ornamental ducks and Iā€™d love to get some one day in the (distant) future.

My other pets include a dog, cats and two buns. I like painting, gardening, long walks on the beach.. šŸ¤£
Not sure what else to say so Iā€™ll leave it at that and include a couple photos of my favorite birds: Raindrop, Marshmallow, and Jpeg (the house chicken while he was having some outdoors time)

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