
May 3, 2021
Canby Oregon
Hi from Canby Oregon! Canby is about half way between Salem and Portland. I've been a lurker on this forum for years. I figured it was time to join. What a nice knowledgeable enthusiastic group of people here!

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've had chickens since I was a kid in FFA. Back then my favorite chickens were a Naked Neck hen and a Blue Cochin bantam hen. I've had chickens off and on my whole life (I'm in my mid 40's).

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
15 - 14 hens and a rooster

(3) What breeds do you have?
Black Australorps, Blue Australorps, a Barred Rock, a Cream Legbar, a Rhode Island Red, and a Light Brahma rooster. I'm also attempting my first try at incubating eggs. I have three incubators going currently with Swedish breeds: Swedish Flower, Svart Hona, Olansk, and Hedemora. My family is of Swedish background, so it seemed like a fun thing to do. Most of the eggs were mail order, so I'm not expecting a giant hatch rate, but we are excited.

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
How fun they are to have around and take care of. Not to mention there's never a dull moment. Eggs are way better than store-bought.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Other than chickens.... I have a herd of dairy goats (to keep blackberries down), I have farm dogs that I really enjoy having around, and I like to paint animals and landscapes. I have an art studio in our shop. I also teach painting. Having the animals around makes for easy subjects to paint. You can see my work at www.hollyoakstudio.com

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I'm a steel sales supervisor at a machine tool steel company in Portland Oregon. I have two teenage kids - daughter 19, son 15. We live on 6 acres about a mile from the Willamette River. We have dogs, cats, chickens, and goats. I got my BS in Animal Science Livestock Production Management with an emphasis in nutrition and a Masters in business administration (from CSU Fresno). I was born and raised in Napa California. I moved to Oregon around 10 years ago and love it up here.

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