Hello from Florida!!!


6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
Ocala, Florida!
Hi! I'm a new member. Just wanted to say hi to everyone . My name is Denise. I just bought baby chickens for the first time the other day .I bought 4 . 1 Rhode island red 2 Barred rocks and 1 ameraucana . I posted a few pictures of them ill post more later on i have them in my house in the bird room in a baby play pen lol its kind hard to clean but me and the kids do it together and the baby chickens love all the room :). I'm really happy to have found this forum . :) .... Denise
Welcome to BYC!!
Glad you joined us!!
this is their home till they can go outside. i put down some food for them and they pushed it into the corner as you can see LOL they love this little set up. its a pain in the butt to clean but its worth it.

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