Hello from Shropshire UK


In the Brooder
Aug 6, 2017
Hi, I often google questions that start with 'Can Chickens eat...' (latest was Rice Krispies!) and this website comes up, I've had good advice from strangers on here - so thought I'd join and be part of it!
We're in rural Shropshire UK. We have nine ex battery hens atm. All our hens are rescue. We've been rescuing hens for about five years now I think. We've also got two Donkeys, four goats and six dogs.
I'm a part time writer, just getting back into it again after other things got in the way. What else do I do? Hmm... I procrastinate an awful lot! I'm always putting off things!
I guess my main interests other than animal welfare, are the spoken word arts (theatre, drama, film, books) Music and dancing, Batman (love everything Batman!) Not keen on cooking, blummin' hate it! But I do cook though. ...Not keen on snobs and arrogant people. (Who is!)
We've just nursed a hen through her third bout of Enteritis this year. She's not completely well now, but eating and drinking well. So fingers crossed. Look forward to getting to know others on here
I recently watched a BBC documentary about a woman who rescues battery hens in the UK and found it fascinating! Are you familiar with her work?
Welcome---nice to see you here!
Being a first time chicken mama I have found this site to be so valuable. Lots of ideas and feedback from some really nice knowledgeable folks.
I'm a retired ICU nurse, loving retirement, and enjoy gardening (though more limited than in my younger days), my chickens, and cooking. DH is retired too, Vietnam vet, has a ton of health issues but keeps plugging along with the projects around our place!
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I recently watched a BBC documentary about a woman who rescues battery hens in the UK and found it fascinating! Are you familiar with her work?
Welcome---nice to see you here!
Being a first time chicken mama I have found this site to be so valuable. Lots of ideas and feedback from some really nice knowledgeable folks.
I'm a retired ICU nurse, loving retirement, and enjoy gardening (thought more limited than in my younger days), my chickens, and cooking. DH is retired too, Vietnam vet, has a ton of health issues but keeps plugging along with the projects around our place!
Hiya! Thank you! ...I haven't seen that documentary, I'll sit down with a cuppa later this week and watch it, thanks for that. Forgot to mention, another interest was the military. I notice in American programmes, often people will say to ex servicemen; 'Thank you for your service' I like that, we should say it over here! ... An ICU nurse? I just had my gallbladder out this May - put it off for 16 years!!! I don't garden as such, (unless you call cutting back Bramble and pulling weeds gardening!) But I've just started to grow veg and herbs - for the hens mostly. I've been buying veg etc from the Supermarket for them, thought I'd try growing my own. Atm the tomato plant is growing into the Quatermass experiment! Just looking to buy a bigger greenhouse!!!
Hi! Thank you. Apologies, I didn't realise there was a UK thread!
Apologies for what? Part of our role as greeters is to point people in the right direction if they have questions etc - absolutely nothing to apologise for :)
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