Hello from SW Washington


11 Years
Feb 28, 2013
Battle Ground, WA
Hi, my name is Matt.

I've been raising poultry for 19 years now, have had chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pheasants, pigeons and peafowl over that time for various lengths of time (Most of it with chickens admittedly). Anywhere from as few as 5 to upwards of 600 birds depending on the various time frame. Eventually business, school and other interests stole time away from poultry until, the last year I have only had a bare minimum trio of Bourbon Red Turkeys and a pair of African geese, but recently decided I missed my birds too much and acquired quite an assortment of baby chicks from a local 4-H auction and am really looking forward to getting back into breeding and showing. The babies are only a couple weeks old and some are still unidentified but I know there's a ton of White Polish bantams, some Buff Laced Polish in both sizes, two Dorkings, one Barred Holland and a bunch of Dark Brahma bantams, the rest I'll see as they age.

When not with the chickens I own and operate Main Street Pet, an all natural pet food and supply store, which also offers my own custom blend of feed. My interests have always laid with animal nutrition, and color genetics fascinate me. Other hobbies include occasionally showing my beloved (but not chicken friendly sadly) Irish Terrier.

Found the site through coming across it a few times but never took the time to register, and now that I'm apparently back in the hobby full time I thought it'd be neat to join the community and see what's changed since I was last involved at any level.

Anyway that's me, I look forward to meeting everyone and taking part in discussions here.
. I'm sure the feeding sections would love to learn more about your nutrition knowledge!
Hello and welcome to BYC
I'm sure with your experience you will have a lot of interesting things to share with us. I'm glad you joined us!
Greetings from Kansas, BGMatt, and
! Great to have you in our community! Sounds like you have a lot of poultry experience so chickens should be a snap! Best of luck and have fun!

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