Hello from Texas

Micah 808

In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 20, 2013
I am totally new to the group and to raising ducks or any type of bird. I'm getting 15 baby ducks in the morning. We are quite excited
:) Any advice is appreciated looking forward tomeeting many of you! :)
Hope to hear from U guys soon!
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Welcome to BYC! What kind of ducks are you getting? The four things I know about ducks: they really imprint on their humans, they need fresh water b/c they don't have tear ducts, they eat slugs (which you probably don't worry about in TX, but in WA it's a big deal), and their poop is really slimy. I have chickens, but I know a few ducks :) Have fun with your ducklings tomorrow! Take lots of pictures :)
Greetings from Kansas, Micah 808, and
! Pleased you joined us! Yay! Baby Ducks!!! SO exciting. I have had ducks - they are a little more messy than chickens with all their water splashing - but cute and totally worth it. Below are a couple of links you might find useful. Good luck and have fun!!

Here is the BYC duck thread - lot of duck owners here to assist you with questions:


And here is a link to a hatchery that specializes in ducks - tons of good info on it to become a responsible and successful duck owner - I go there often myself. Go to the care and management link.


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