Hello from the frozen Tundra


14 Years
Dec 16, 2008
Greenleaf, WI
Hello Everyone!

Just joined the forum and it looks like a lot of fun. My hubby and I live with our 2-yr-old son, GSD mix and 3 cats in Appleton, WI (just south of Green Bay.) No chickens yet, but our little city lot house is for sale and we have our hearts set on a cute farmette complete with 2 barns and 5 acres. Imagine the chickie possibilities!

I am from Milwaukee originally. I love the shopping mall in Appleton.
Good luck with your endeavors. Hope the house sells FAAAAST!!!
Thanks for the warm welcomes!

amazondragon, I do love WI, even when it's 20 below. Having the seasons change is so refreshing, it keeps me from getting bored. Born and raised here, I doubt I will ever leave. Whereabouts are you?

Yes, the mall is fun, if a bit pricey. This is a fantastic area: nice smallish towns with lots to do, but close enough to bigger cities for anything you might need.

I'm chomping at the bit to get back out in the sticks, and I'm so glad I found this site to be able to garner good info from folks actually doing what I want to do.

Merry Christmas everone!
Hi Amy

I am originally from Wausau, but now I live in Colorado. Glad you like the cold...you have plenty! Me, not so much.

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