Hello from Wichita, Kansas

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

This is definitely the place to be for all the fun and learning! Definitely stop by our Learning Center, all kinds of good reads on all the aspects of keeping chickens...

Lots of hardy breeds out there.... Orpingtons, Austrorps, Rhode Island Reds, Rocks, etc... you might stop by your state thread and chat with your neighbors... https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/consolidated-kansas.248925/

Ask as many questions as needed, welcome to our community!
Hello! I am Cliff and my wife and I are looking to start keeping chickens this spring. I am in the process of reading everything I can. My biggest question is which egg laying breeds will be the sturdiest for this part of Kansas? Any input would be appreciated!
Hi there, and welcome to BYC! My suggestion is ducks! Ducks are super sturdy and they lay tons of eggs 🥚 :welcome :ya

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