Hello from Wisconsin


In the Brooder
Oct 24, 2023
Hello All -

We have a small flock of 10 girls ranging in age from about 7 months to 3-1/2 years.

I had been interested in having chickens for several years, and when Covid hit and the world shut down, it seemed like a good time to give it a try. It has definitely been a learning process.

We have had roosters in the past - one that was great - and one not so much. Now we only have hens.

Our girls are kept in a coop with attached run. Unfortunately too many predators for them on our property.

Looking forward to being here and for a supportive group to direct my questions to :)
I have had similar luck with roosters -- one was great and the current one is a terror. I applaud your decision to only have hens!

And, while it's great to be able to let chickens have unlimited freedom, you and they are much happier when you don't have to contend with predators. Sounds like you are doing well with your learning process!

It's good to meet you. Please ask any and all questions; someone here will undoubtedly be able to shed some light on just about any issue.

Welcome to BYC!

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