Hello, how do I completely rid my chicken of lice and other pests?


Dec 27, 2021
I currently have 3 adult hens and a few months ago I discovered that there were fleas or lice or other small parasites around their vent area. I had the chickens checked out by a vet, who gave me ivermectin to treat them for 6 weeks. I also dust them and their coop with DE quite regularly. But even after their treatment with ivomec, I still see some fleas on them (much better than before the treatment), and they have ragged frayed feathers and bald spots on their belly. How do I completely get rid of these parasites? Is there any way that I can encourage them to regrow feathers and make the feathers not fray? Thanks. I will attach a picture of one of my chickens back feathers which are all frayed. The other two hens are silkie chickens.
Thanks very much.


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You should probably take the hens out of their coop, and burn everything inside. That’s the ONLY way to get rid of all parasites in the coop.
You should also treat them with whatever the vet recommended.
Neem oil spray (or dip) can be used also but permethrin is a good addition to the ivermectin.

Neem oil will penetrate into any eggs that may be present and help get rid of the future offspring. But like @Paz said you need to treat in the coop as well. Usually a three week span for the parasite eggs hatching. Trick is to be proactive with your treatment, this isn't one day = treat = done. You will have to treat for a few weeks (and then routinely monitor every month to make sure nothing returns).

Good luck with exterminating the little pests.
You also need to up your bio security game because the same pests are probably coming in from wild birds or rodents. Fix that first, then clean the coop and treat the birds.

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