Hello I’m Ashley and I’m new here!


In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2023
Hi I’m Ashley and I’m from Maryland. I have 3 awesome kids MaKayla, Aubrey, & Michael Jr.. And we have a 11 fur babies ( Dog, Cats & Chickens )

I’m going to say I’m fairly new to chickens since this is my first time caring for my own ladies and roo by myself. I’ve always helped my dad care for his but not daily.

I currently have 8 ladies Meeka my broody, Tabitha, Jessica, Ally, Katie, Gemma, Tazzy, and Sky and my Roo named Blippi

We have 5 Rhode Island Red, 2 Red Sex Links, 1 Black Sex Link and our Light Buff Barhma Roo

I love watching the different personalities of my girls. I have Tabitha who was my in your pocket girl always waiting for a treat to now she’s like ehh go away lady I only want you when I want. But my Black sex Link Sky is now my pocket girl she will follow me around everywhere I go and always expects everyone to have a treat even if it’s just a grape from our vine and she’ll let you know about yourself if you don’t have a treat. But I love watching all my girls running around the yard and seeing them dust bathe or chase the dog & kids for treats. It’s never a dull moment!! I just wish my Roo was still as friendly as he was as a baby we tried but O’Well we just watch him to make sure he doesn’t sneak attack. He’s an awesome protector for the girls but still will run to mom when an eagle or predator does come around.

I’m a stay at home mom with 3 kids 16, 4 on the 26th and 5. We have a little chiweenie named Squirt and 2 cat’s precious and Ming-Ming. We just moved into the country and looking to start our own mini farm within the next year or two with some goats and a couple of horses once we get everything set up and ready. I don’t really do to much besides whatever my babies want to do I just enjoy spending all my time with my kids. We do love watching and feeding the deer and watching the fawns growing up have been so Amazing! We go hiking, fishing, walks and vacations every now and again.

I actually found BYC when I had a hen (Katie) who was egg bound a few months back and have searched through some threads for just random information or just curiosity. I am kinda of antisocial or a loner I guess you could say because, I am shy and don’t really have many friends, people to talk to and No family besides my children and their father. But I figured if I needed help I had to put my feelings of being unsure aside and join this community. So I did and it pushed me more when my broody girls eggs started hatching tonight and I didn’t know what to do.


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I think you will find that BYC is a great place to learn about chickens -- and lots of other things, too -- while allowing you as much or as little interaction with people as you want.

Your family, your flock and your other critters sound lovely.

Congrats on moving to the country, best wishes with establishing your mini-farm and welcome to BYC!

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