Hello, I am new to this wonderful community!


In the Brooder
Jul 20, 2019
Hello, my name is Amanda and I’m a mother of 2 beautiful girls 18 and 6 and now a chicken mama as well :) I am having so much fun with these chicks, but boy do I feel like I have so much to learn to keep them healthy, happy and safe. I’m A family member gave me 4 chicks at 3 weeks old. Now they are 8 weeks old and just so fun to watch in my yard! I posted a thread asking for help because I am unsure of the sex and the breeds, so hopefully someone will help me on that. I also just received 8 more baby chicks that were a day old all female, 5 Rhode Island Reds and 3 Easter Eggers, just adorable they are! I eventually will get a couple more, but for now I have enough. I truly wish I would have owned chickens a long time ago! I had always wanted to own chicks from watching my neighbors run around her yard, and finally decided to get some of my own. I’m a breast cancer survivor, I’m not even a year out so these chicks really make me happy everyday to come out and see them :) Thank you all for letting me be apart of your amazing community! Hugs
Hello Amanda :frow
Welcome to backyard chickens :welcome

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