Hello, I'm new.


Free Ranging
12 Years
Aug 7, 2011
Puget Sound area, WA
Hi, I'm "Littledog" and I live in Western Washington state (the rainy part where summer lasts a couple days) on 2 acres in a small town. My household consists of 2 of us in our 50's, one energetic border collie, one horse who lives at a stable 15 minutes away, and my 3 pullets. I joined this forum because it came highly recommended by some of the members of my favorite horse forum.
I'm new to having my own chickens here at home, but I've been a member of our town's chicken co-op for the past two years. Participating in the co-op has taught me the basics of caring for chickens, but now that I've had my own here at home for a month, I want to learn more in depth. This forum sounds like it will be a great resource!
from Kansas, littledog! Glad you joined the forum!
How's about sending some of your rain my way!!
Welcome, I am new myself. My husband and I just built our nest boxes yesterday, after much, much time spent trolling through all the info on this site. I think I've tallied over forty hours spent reading here. I think it is worth it, though. I am very confident about the plans we have for the coop!

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