Hello!!! New to Backyard Chickens


Jan 23, 2021
Good day everyone! I'm new to backyard chickens. I live on California (So-Cal) and have had chickens as pets since I was a child. I currently have 15 chickens. I have Lavender Orpingtons, Easter eggers, and some mutts. In addition to chickens I also have a few racing pigeons and a shih tzu, some koi fish from Japan. Hope to learn more about chickens from all the experts on here.
Hello! I love Lavender Orps. Welcome to BYC! This is such an amazing community that I'm sure you'll love. :wee
Hello!!! A pleasure to meet you. Yes Lavender Orps are beautiful birds. Although my birds behaves like the raptors in Jurassic Park. They tore up all the little rodents and lizards in my backyard lol, even my neighbor's cat is afraid of them.

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