Hello y' all this is my introduction

Ashlee the bird newb

In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2017
I'm Ashlee, and I actually don't own fowl, the most I own that is actually a bird is a peach faced lovebird named Jojo. I also own a 20 gallon tetra and angelfish tank, a 5 gallon tank (that'll soon have a snail and some shrimp) with a betta named Vitbi , and a nine year old yorkie named Reeses. I'm just starting to get the hang of caring for all these crazy yet magnificent creatures. I am looking to one day own chickens (not sure what breed but you can recommend some!), peafowl, wood ducks, mandarin ducks, and maybe other things too! I've gotten most of the information I've researched from here so I thought I might as well join! So it'll be a while before I actually have any kind of fowl of my own. So anyone who reads this, just give me as much info/advice about any of these birds (general care for chickens since I'm not to sure what breed I want) and a little about your own birds if you want! I love learning about animals since I want to go into the vet career ;)
Hey Ashlee, welcome to BYC! My name is Robin. My favorite chickens are Easter Egger Bantams. I have many favorites but I will start with these. I bought them from Murray Mac Murray hatcheries. They are all 5 different colors and change colors as they grow. They are beautiful. They lay blue green eggs. I will send some pics. Bantams do not get very big.
Not the buff colored one. That is a Buff Brahma Bantam. They are my second favorite. : )
Hi :frow
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