Help…Need Brooder Divider ideas


7 Years
Oct 24, 2016
Southern Indiana
Any ideas on how to put a removable divider in this brooder we are making?!?!

You could make a drop in board or wire with wood frame.

If you add a couple boards on each side with enough gap between them it would be easy to drop in and remove as needed.

Reasons for picking wood vs wire?! Any recommendations on which and why? At first I was thinking using a heat lamp wire would be easier but I think in my barn I can easily mount it to be in the middle
I wonder.... why the need to split it?
It's already rather small(2x4'?).
And you intimated you are going to use a heat lamp?

It’s ~6x3 and I want the option to separate in case I have chicks different age groups in there for a bit. I’m going to start selling at our local swap and so I’ll be hatching every couple weeks and don’t want chicks that are a day or few old in with 2 week olds.

Chicks that I’m keeping will be raised in my in coop brooder

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