Help! 1 year old hen is balding and skin is yellow


Mar 27, 2021
I have a 1 year old sapphire gem. While checking her over this morning I noticed she has no feathers on her crop and underside and her skin is bright yellow. I’ve never seen this before and I was wondering if I could get some insight! She’s eating and drinking normally, she seems to be acting normally as well. I have noticed we haven’t been getting many green eggs lately so I don’t think she’s been laying. She has a very small amount of poop on her bum feathers which isn’t normal for her. The rest of the flock is totally normal!
I’ll attach a photo for reference!


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I have a 1 year old sapphire gem. While checking her over this morning I noticed she has no feathers on her crop and underside and her skin is bright yellow. I’ve never seen this before and I was wondering if I could get some insight! She’s eating and drinking normally, she seems to be acting normally as well. I have noticed we haven’t been getting many green eggs lately so I don’t think she’s been laying. She has a very small amount of poop on her bum feathers which isn’t normal for her. The rest of the flock is totally normal!
I’ll attach a photo for reference!
She's a Yellow skinned bird, her shanks are also yellow which is normal for birds with yellow skin.

If her face turns yellow, then that's when to start being concerned.
Has she been acting broody at all? Sitting on the nest a lot, growling or fluffing up when you try to move her? Broodies will sometimes pull feathers there to get better contact with the eggs they are sitting on (or think they are sitting on).
She's a Yellow skinned bird, her shanks are also yellow which is normal for birds with yellow skin.

If her face turns yellow, then that's when to start being concerned.
I have another sapphire gem the same age who isn’t yellow. :/ we checked them both and the other one has white skin.

What does is mean if her face turns yellow?
Has she been acting broody at all? Sitting on the nest a lot, growling or fluffing up when you try to move her? Broodies will sometimes pull feathers there to get better contact with the eggs they are sitting on (or think they are sitting on).
Not that we’ve noticed! She has been staying in the coop more but not sitting on the nest! Just hanging out on the roost bars.

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