HELP!!! Baby with Bumblefoot!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 4, 2013
Tampa, FL
Hey Everybody,

One of my 2 wk old babies jumped out of the brooder today and was walking funny. I thougth she may have hurt her foot on the way down, but I noticed what looked like a big piece of poo on the bottom of her foot. When I tried to scratch it off, no luck, then I noticed it was cracked and very red inside the cracks. There is a similar spot on her other foot but much smaller. I ran it under some warm water for a few minutes, but the softer it got tthe more it looked like it may start to bleed.

I'm guessing it's bumblefoot from the research I've done, but the only examples seem to be in older girls. Has anyone seen this before in a chick so young??

I looked at the DIY removal, but she is so little, it would basically be removing almost the entire bottom of her foot pad. I've since seperated her from the other chicks, and she definitely doesn't seem to be feeling well.

Any input or suggestions would be VERY appreciated.


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