Help!!! Chick with bald head.


Free Ranging
5 Years
Apr 26, 2019
Hi everyone, I have a chick that keep's scratching her neck and don't knew what to do.
I have tried scraping her neck to stop her from scratching..... But that did not work.
I tried a silver spray that seal's the wound again it did not work. any Idea's?? PLEASE help!!!
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She is out with 4 others so we used no peck and the Ingredients are: Sweet almond oil,
Calendula oil, tea tree, aloe vera oil, Vitamin E ( Tocophery acetate ).
She is out with 4 others so we used no peck and the Ingredients are: Sweet almond oil,
Calendula oil, tea tree, aloe vera oil, Vitamin E ( Tocophery acetate ).
i shouldve asked what it was first! when i hear silver cream i think of silver for burns, Sorry!

These things are way out of my league but someone experienced should be around

i wish i could help it looks very uncomfortable

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