Help! Chicks lethargic, curled foot, dying?


Jan 16, 2022
I just got some chicks Saturday; three 1-week olds and one 4-week old.
I found the smallest one (silkie) dead yesterday morning, I’m not sure if she was trampled. But she wasn’t under the heater, just right outside of it.

But now one of the others is weird. She was exploring like the others and eating and drinking, but since last night she’s been sitting under the heating table and today when I went to check on her all her right toes are curled, and she has bad balance. She’s lethargic too. What’s going on? She’s been holding out her right wing, I think to balance. And she’s not moving on her own, just sitting and eventually flopping onto her side.
She’s been sitting here for 30 minutes, awake, seemingly trying to get up. Does her wing look weird?


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I am so sorry to hear that. Does she have a poopy butt or diarrhea? Hopefully other more experienced caretakers will chime in very soon.
I am so sorry to hear that. Does she have a poopy butt or diarrhea? Hopefully other more experienced caretakers will chime in very soon.
All the little ones had pasty butt when we brought them home, but we cleared it up, it came back, so we cleaned it again and used coconut oil and it hasn’t come back.
I am so sorry to hear that. Does she have a poopy butt or diarrhea? Hopefully other more experienced caretakers will chime in very soon.
I don’t know. I didn’t see diarrhea but I’m also a first time chicken owner & could have missed it or not realized.
Sounds like it's CTP and possible the Silkie got trampled as she was alot smaller than the rest at 1wk old and the rest 4wks. A picture of your set up would be helpful. I've dealt with CTP, it's treatable being a Riboflavin deficiency. You can make "sandals" out of VetWrap, sandwiching it's feet/toes (spread out flat) between two pieces of it.
The link below is a site that you can use to look up symptoms.
Pasty Butt happens but it could be to stress of new home ... Use warm water & a paper towel to soften and remove. IF it continues you can try ACV (apple cider vinegar undiluted) x water in a plastic waterer, 1T to a gallon of water, change daily.

Curly Toe Paralysis - Riboflavin deficiency; Poly Visol without iron, Vitamin B Complex, Nutri Drench, foods rich in riboflavin (eggs, ground raw almond, beef liver, fortified cereals, etc )
Sounds like it's CTP and possible the Silkie got trampled as she was alot smaller than the rest at 1wk old and the rest 4wks. A picture of your set up would be helpful. I've dealt with CTP, it's treatable being a Riboflavin deficiency. You can make "sandals" out of VetWrap, sandwiching it's feet/toes (spread out flat) between two pieces of it.
The link below is a site that you can use to look up symptoms.

Curly Toe Paralysis - Riboflavin deficiency; Poly Visol without iron, Vitamin B Complex, Nutri Drench, foods rich in riboflavin (eggs, ground raw almond, beef liver, fortified cereals, etc )
That’s what I thought about the silkie.
The other baby just passed away in my hands.

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