**HELP** Cockerels attacking her!

Ok, here is the most recent poo- it's not as solid as the ones yesterday- but they seem to be a little more frequent now.
She is actually cooing and chirping very softly a little now- which she hasn't been doing, so I am taking that as a good sign.. I'll take what I can get.
I will give more water- I've only been giving her about 5 mils at a time. I don't have a tube, but she is taking the water pretty easily now- we worked out a system so she drinks it better now.
she loved the yogurt and eggs yesterday- today not so much... :-/
Hey, I really appreciate your sticking with me through this- I can't tell you how helpless and alone I feel. It's nice to have someone out there with more experience than I have!
Thanks :)


So food is making it through... The baby bird food I use suggests feeding baby applesauce when crop slowdown occurs, so maybe you could try that? If she were mine, I would weigh her and find a tube to tube feed her with. She will die if she's not eating and drinking enough.


Her crop is still fullish and squishy, but she's eating, she's drinking, she's pooping (and watching TV since she has been in the living room with us all week)....
She doesn't want eggs or yogurt or oatmeal anymore, she wants her chicken feed so I started giving that to her again today. Just so she would eat.
I will keep up the extra water and the crop massage, but if she is pooping I am thinking that she is getting food through/in her right?
Should I still try the applesauce?
Mine didn't like the scrambled eggs, but she ended up eating her regular chicken feed mixed with some scratch grains to entice her. She didn't like the plain water at first either, but when I gave her cold water with vitamin/electrolyte mixed in, she liked that and drank it on her own. The diarrhea cleared up too after she was done with the medicine.

She was doing so well the last few days- pooping a LOT! Eating, drinking, crop shrinking (but not totally empty)
now she has diarrhea....
Did I give her too much water? is this normal?
Put some plain yogurt in with her feed and a bit of water to make an oatmeal consistancy. Put apple cider vinegar in her water now which should get her gut bacteria back in shape. Chickens can have watery diarrhea just from drinking too much water.
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone helping me out with advice about my little chicken with the impacted crop.
I named her Hope after this ordeal.
She is fine! She made it through nearly starving to death!
It took much longer to get her well, but honestly after everything I tried, the yeast meds, the soft foods, all the advice, I think the water flushing, and the antibiotics really helped and I vomited her frequently clearing the crop completely after weeks of trying.I do think there was a blockage and it either passed or came out in vomit. I also made her a chicken bra to hold up her crop until it seemed to go back into shape!

In any case, she is just fine and putting on weight.
I kiss her every day and a grateful that she is still alive.

Thanks chicken peeps. I would have lost her without you!

With Gratitude

Robin and Hope


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