Help!! Cushing's disease in dogs


May 1, 2021
Hey.. I recently come across this cushing's disease
My vet said my dog show symptoms of cushing's, a confirming test is yet to be done ..
I want to know if anyone has any experience with it.
I had a sheltie that had Cushings, but in his case it was brought on by the vet keeping him on steroids for allergies for far too long. His face was swollen so you could see it, the poor baby. I don't know that I have any wisdom for you but lots of compassion and empathy. Best wishes for you and your dog, whatever the test shows! :hugs
My boxer had cushings disease. It was very expensive. There were lots of tests and he did not respond to the meds. He had a bloated belly due to enlarged liver. He lived a few years and passed when he was 12. I miss him so much. Good luck with your fur baby:hugs
Sorry about your dog. Seeing a dog suffer from Cushing's is awful. My first Boston had the huge belly, muscle weakness, was peeing in the house, and drinking a lot of water. She was a senior dog at the time we noticed the signs and she died shortly afterward. If your dog is young he/she might respond better to treatment.
I had a sheltie that had Cushings, but in his case it was brought on by the vet keeping him on steroids for allergies for far too long. His face was swollen so you could see it, the poor baby. I don't know that I have any wisdom for you but lots of compassion and empathy. Best wishes for you and your dog, whatever the test shows! :hugs
Thankyou ♥️
I'll let you know tomorrow
I hope it's not cushing's..
And please pray for him 🙏
Sorry about your dog. Seeing a dog suffer from Cushing's is awful. My first Boston had the huge belly, muscle weakness, was peeing in the house, and drinking a lot of water. She was a senior dog at the time we noticed the signs and she died shortly afterward. If your dog is young he/she might respond better to treatment.
He's 13 years n 6 months old..
He pees not a lot just after some interval of hours..
Can you please specify how much she pee?? Bcuz I already had his urine report it's show no sign of infection n I have done the kidney test n liver test too plus diabetes and thyroid test also.
They both are normal..
My boxer had cushings disease. It was very expensive. There were lots of tests and he did not respond to the meds. He had a bloated belly due to enlarged liver. He lived a few years and passed when he was 12. I miss him so much. Good luck with your fur baby:hugs
How did you find out it was cushing's?
Can you please specify how much she pee??
I don't know exactly how much, but definitely more than normal and probably every few hours. Most of the time she went outside but some days she peed in the house three times in one day. She basically gave up asking to go outside so she eventually had to wear a diaper.
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we thought he was showing signs of diabetes. Drinking alot, peeing (we have a doggie door so that wasn't a problem) and always hungry. I think cushings disease affects the adrenal system. The blood tests were taken before then after she did something to "excite " his system. The tests were sent to a lab (out of state). This was about 10 years ago so my
memory is a little foggy.
we thought he was showing signs of diabetes. Drinking alot, peeing (we have a doggie door so that wasn't a problem) and always hungry. I think cushings disease affects the adrenal system. The blood tests were taken before then after she did something to "excite " his system. The tests were sent to a lab (out of state). This was about 10 years ago so my
memory is a little foggy.
Thanks for your response..
Let's hope for the best ..for my dog

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